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3 Fun Ideas For Your Wedding Day

3 Fun Ideas For Your Wedding Day

So, your wedding day is approaching and you’ll soon be a bride. The wedding date is set, the invitations sent and the floral arrangements, um, arranged.

But have you given any thought to actually enjoying your own wedding? For far too many brides, a wedding becomes an anxiety-fueled endurance test, with so much concern placed on everything being perfect that they forget to have fun.

Who needs that?

Wedding Day Fun

Having fun at your wedding is really something that shouldn’t be an issue. It should be a thing everyone does. A solemn, overly serious occasion is going to lead to some bored, over-drinking guests. You don’t want that.

Here are some ideas to make your wedding the sort of day you’ll smile about when you remember it, rather than wince or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder flashbacks. These are not traditional ideas. But who said weddings had to be traditional?

Bride Bounce

Yes, you can bounce at your wedding and it’s totally OK! Renting a castle bounce house is a trending choice for weddings.

And why shouldn’t it be? If you doubt us, just look on You Tube at the many bouncing bride videos there. Like all the ideas on this list, kicking off your shoes and doing some cool leaps into the air is going to beat having another dance with some distant relative.

Not into castles? Try a superhero. Or a pirate. Whatever your thing is, there’s a bounce house out there for you.

Have A Carnival

This woman did it, why can’t you? Let’s be honest: for everyone outside of the couple getting married, weddings are kind of boring. The number of times a carnival has been boring in the entire history of the world is approximately zero times.

Kids like carnivals. Adults like carnivals. And your guests are going to like a carnival too because it gives them fun stuff to do. Have a few challenging, classic games on hand. Throw in a slide or two. Make it a water slide if you want to go tropical with your theme.

Your guests will thank you.

Field Day

Tradition has it that men get together for a bachelor party, women get together for a bachelorette party. But – and this is the point we’re trying to make here – traditional is just some stuff people made up a long time ago that’s no better than what you come up with today.

Rather than have everyone party separately, why not have the entire party get together for a field day? They can run some obstacle courses, climb a rock wall or maybe have a good old-fashioned game of giant Jenga.

Why do this? Why not! It’s your wedding day, and you get to do anything you want with it. Just remember to have fun yourself. Not only will it create great memories, but it also will set a great tone for your marriage.

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