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What are the Steps to Plan A Spring Wedding?

What are the Steps to Plan A Spring Wedding? | Wedding Planning Guide

If you want to plan a spring wedding, you’re picking one of the best times of the year to hold your big day. Some of the steps you need to consider include announcing your engagement, picking a date, determining your budget, choosing a location and creating a guest list.

How To Plan A Spring Wedding

While the above seems like a lot, it’s just the start! Read on for 10 key tasks to keep in mind as you and your fiancé prepare to commit your lives to each other. It’s a ceremony that will celebrate one of the biggest decisions of your life, so it’s worth a little fuss. But just don’t forget to enjoy it!

Announce Your Engagement

Don’t just jump on Facebook and announce your plans unless you want to explain to people why they aren’t invited. It’s best to go the old-fashioned route of sending out an announcement to those you plan to invite. Tell your family and close friends in person. Those “save the date” announcements should go out six to eight months before the wedding.

Pick a Date

When you plan a spring wedding, check to make sure you aren’t getting married on a weekend when everyone else is getting married. Avoid holidays or special days for those in your wedding party (birthdays or planned holidays). Check the availability of the venue you have in mind. And this is important – plan the wedding date around where you want to go on your honeymoon.

Determine Your Budget

Try to create a wedding budget early to avoid spending too much. Ask members of the family who have said they want to help with the wedding cost about how much they plan to give (it’s OK, they are expecting this conversation). Rule out expensive venues if you don’t have the cash. Seek out quality entertainment options for your guests that won’t empty your wallet.

Choose a Location

The main questions around location involve your budget, whether to pick a place indoors or outdoors, and finding a place you both can agree upon. Think about the weather, as well. You don’t want guests sweltering outside in the heat. That shouldn’t be an issue in planning a spring wedding, but it might be in some places.

Create a Guest List

The main thing here is to avoid bloating your guest list, a common challenge that creeps up on everyone. Your budget and size of venue must be considered. You also don’t want to leave off anyone you are close to – but you don’t need to invite every Facebook friend either. This is one of those issues that should be addressed early. It’s going to take longer to sort out than you might think.

Engagement Photos

You’ll want to get some quality photos to send out with your announcements. One fun idea is to take the photo doing something you enjoy, from hanging out on the beach to hiking or taking in a game. Whatever it is the two of you like to do together, consider getting it into your photo.

Send Out Invitations

The style of the invite is up to you, of course. Everyone has different tastes. For a distinctive look, you can create your own wedding invitations and put your personal stamp on the affair.

Get the Dress

This is always a bit hard, mostly because everyone (from your Mom to your best friend and even strangers) will tell you what they think you should wear. The key here is to stick to your own style. Lean traditional if you want to not wince as much when you look at the photos 20 years from now. Otherwise, do what you want. It’s your wedding.

Book Vendors

This is where you can spend a lot, so keep the budget in mind when getting flowers, music, food and drink. There are many ways to trim costs. DJs usually prove less expensive than bands, or you can just bring your own music. Many brides these days go lighter on the floral arrangements. Take the time to find what you can work with that will cost a bit less.

Enjoy Being Engaged

All this sounds like work – that’s because it is! But at the end of the day – and long after this is over – the person you will be with day in and day out is your spouse. Take the time to enjoy each other’s company during this amazing time. When you plan a spring wedding, things can get tricky, but remember why you wanted to do this in the first place.

Deciding to spend your life together is a big deal. It’s also one of the greatest decisions you’ll ever make. Take the time to go through these steps and you’ll be able to enjoy your wedding day even more. Congratulations & best wishes on this incredible journey!

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