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Why Are Christmas Parties Boring?

Why Are Christmas Parties Boring? | Office Holiday Party Planning Guide

You’d think combining Christmas with a party would equal fun, but experience has shown us all that is usually not the case. Christmas parties are extremely boring affairs, usually due to a lack of planning or input from employees, terrible food choices and music that is

old, tired and puts no one in the Christmas spirit.

No wonder people say “bah humbug” to Christmas parties. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A few better choices in the early stages can turn a yawner of a party into one people will remember, and for the right reasons.

Why Christmas Parties End Up Dull

Here are the main reasons you can pretty much depend on your Christmas party being a dull affair that you only went to because you felt you had to be there.

Lack of Planning

If you were throwing a birthday party, wouldn’t you want to know what the birthday boy or girl like at their parties? Of course, you would. And yet Christmas parties, ostensibly thrown as a benefit to employees, are planned without the employee’s opinions. And usually, any party planning that happens – from venue location (it often just ends up at the office) to the food – are made at the last minute.


The less said about Christmas party food, the better. Usually, it makes the “rubber chicken” served at many business gatherings sound appetizing. In fact, you’re happy if the Christmas party food is rubber chicken. Even worse, vegetarians might walk into parties where it’s nothing but chicken wings and ham sandwiches.

Blah Music

How many times can you hear “Jingle Bell Rock” without losing your mind? The same goes for many, many other Christmas “classics.”

Ways to Make Your Christmas Party Rock

Enough with the bad. Here are some ideas for the good.

Hire a Party Planner

Rather than doing it themselves, businesses are better served by hiring a party planner. It takes the stress out of handling the party. It also puts the party in the hands of people who plan parties and provide entertainment for a living. Also, take the time to survey employees earlier in the year and ask them what they want in a Christmas party – then try to give it to them.

Better Food

As with most holiday parties, a Christmas party is best served using small finger foods. That way you can mix in a lot of variety and not have to order tons of food. It also gives everyone a chance to try something different. And please keep in mind those who are vegetarian or have allergies, such as those from nuts or shellfish. The variety and attention to food sensitivities will be appreciated.

Hire a DJ

You don’t know the latest, coolest music for your party. If you did, this wouldn’t be an issue. Simply hand over the reins to a DJ. Or, even better if it’s an option, go to your younger employees who are outgoing and get them to manage the music for the party. They’ll have a much better idea of what’s trending & what people want to listen to.

Keep these tips in mind for your Christmas party. You and the employees deserve a better one.

Office Holiday Party Ideas

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