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How to Host an Inclusive Holiday Party for Employees

When planning a holiday party for employees, the focus has to be on inclusivity as much as fun. Every employee has the right to feel included in the festivities, regardless of race, gender, or religion. Therefore, the party has to encompass all beliefs and traditions respectfully while making the vibe entertaining and joyful. There are lots of ways to make this happen, and this guide is here to explain how to host an inclusive holiday party for employees.

Get to Know Your Employee’s Preferences

You can’t plan an inclusive party without knowing what you’re supposed to include. Therefore, post a brief, anonymous if appropriate, survey to ascertain the different beliefs and needs of the workforce. Remember, not everyone celebrates Christmas for a number of reasons.

Pick the Date Carefully

Christmas is not the only holiday that people come together to celebrate in the winter season. December in particular has many religious holidays to observe, and employees are likely to partake in any one of them. Therefore, don’t plan the party on any date when people may have other obligations.

Don’t Call it a Holiday Party

A holiday party feels very close to a Christmas party or similar, and that doesn’t suit everyone. To make it feel inclusive, focus on the aim of the party instead. Employers can throw “appreciation parties” to show gratitude and value their employee’s efforts over the year at work and set the tone for the coming new year.

Choose a Diverse Party Committee

When it comes to the planning side of things, make sure there is a representation of every preference in the company. All faiths deserve an equal voice in the planning process and employees may wish to advocate for certain traditions to be included. If this is a work-focused party, make that clear in the planning stages so people know what to focus on.

Make Work Achievements the Core Focus

Don’t make it about the holidays at all. Instead, make the party represent the achievements over the past year that the employees have had. There are bound to be countless things to celebrate that relate specifically to work, and this is the perfect arena to do just that. It can still feel seasonal and be geared towards the relaxation and frivolity the holidays bring. Everyone has earned a break, and it is worth noting for boosting morale and self-esteem.

Bring Your Own Food

Let everyone bring their own dishes instead of choosing a set menu. Provide general snacks and beverages, but to avoid feelings of bad will, give the employees the reins in this area. It can be fun for everyone to share their favorite cultural food and traditions in a safe environment.

Don’t Expect Everyone to Come

Never make the party mandatory, as it can cause pressure and make people feel singled out in the workspace. This is a feeling to avoid in this environment.

Host it At the Office

Finally, host it at the office so people have instant access and there are no issues finding an alternative venue.

Office parties for the holidays are good fun, but employers consider the needs of every employee.